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BLOGS – Articles
Find unique valuable Articles .. SHIKTI – for holistic guidance by Spiritual & Astrology
Types of Meditation – I
Namaste !! Meditation is not an activity but a process to connect back to yourself,…
Types of Meditation – II
Namaste!! This is in continuation of the previous blog – https://shikti.com/spiritual/meditation-types/ . After some comments…
OM – The powerful mysterious gift
ॐ as OM, the most common word in Spiritual world and we have been hearing…
Tantra – faq and answers
Tantra, is probably the most hyped and misunderstood word in spiritual or even religious people….
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A Vision to help those in need and make self reliant through our great ancient wisdom.
We at SHIKTI provide Spiritual gruidance, and Life advice through traditional Astrology with mdoern Psychology and provide remedy by various types of solutions.
IF you have been looking for a deep insight & truth, this is the place.
A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradise