Physiognomy (Mole, Face Reading)

Physiognomy tell about the nature and even future of a person by analyzing their appearance.

We’ve done extensive research over years and the main highlight of our work can be understood from below points.

  • This entire work is a combination of Indian (Vedic) astrology, Chinese astrology and Western Astrology combined, specially the proven points.
  • Our base of research started from Physiognomy of Vedic Astrology from India which combines – Face reading, Forehead-reading (Metoposcopy), reading other body parts, Palm-reading, Foot-reading (solestry), and finally understanding Moles (Moleosophy).
  • Out of above the Palm-reading has grown huge to become a separate subject itself.
  • Later we search Chinese Astrology, who had also done lot of work in Physiognomy, to say most after Vedic work.,
  • This research is a complete system from ancient time to modern time, and still going on. One of most extensive work available.

We consult and also provide Training on – Physiognomy (includes face reading, Moleosophy). Rest 2 Metoposcopy &  Solestry are added modules.

Please feel free to reach us on –, or 8050720280 , or through  or through Online form – for Consultation and/or Training..

Thank you for your time

Shikti Fdn

(Shiv & Shakti ..Om Namah Shivaay)

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