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Improve Immunity – Fight Covid-19 virus & other diseases, stay safe

The year 2020 would be always remembered for worst outbreak of pandemic so far that has accounted for near 90M infected cases reported and nearly 2M deaths, an unofficial count could be even more. Most of the pandemics in the 20th and 21st centuries, have either been caused by an influenza virus or a corona virus. Recently the worst impact were from SARS pandemic in 2003 and swine flu 2009, but there were nothing like COVID-19 (stands for “corona virus disease 2019”).  During this phase, I did came across few queries from within my family and friends who were suspected and even confirmed COVID-19 cases and while all went well in all cases, it also taught me a lot along with understanding of the disease.

I will not talk about the disease here or vaccines (which Government and labs are doing their best) but I want to talk here about the methods to improve your immunity, the capability to fight against not only corona type pandemics but also any type of diseases in general , while also enjoy good feel inside a healthy body.  So today we will mainly look at alternative medicines and Yoga to increase the immune power that  you can do at home, holistically without modern medicines, to improve your immunity and so increase your chances of surviving and fighting Corona virus as well as other diseases. If I write on daily practices like empty stomach water, different Yoga asanas & Pranayamas etc it would be too long, hence I’m giving a short and most important parts here for you to practice every day.

Note – Please take the content here only as advice for your information, overall health maintenance and improvement of immunity, it doesn’t guarantee any cure but should surely help. You must take a medical advice if you suspect corona virus or any disease, the exercises given here do not replace any medicines.  covid 19 02

 Symptoms of COVID-19 (as per WHO and other medical sites) :  

COVID-19 affects different people in different ways. Most infected people will develop mild to moderate illness and recover without hospitalization.

Below are some most common symptoms found, though symptoms may take 2-14 days to appear after exposure to the virus. Important symptoms that indicate COVID-19 infection (however same symptoms are also found in other diseases, hence always get verified by Covid-19 test, below is only for indication) :

  • mild Fever 
  • dry Cough
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • sudden loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Diarrhea

In some cases it might also produce – diarrhoea, conjunctivitis, rash on skin, or dis-coloration of fingers or toes etc. While serious stage might have symptoms – difficulty in breathing, chest pain or pressure and loss of speech or movement. There are also suspects cases of COVID-19 patients developing neurological issues including tingling or numbness in the hands and feet, dizziness, confusion, delirium, seizures, and stroke. 

Note : Seek immediate medical attention if you suspect COVID-19 symptom.  Always call before visiting your doctor or health facility. 

Alternative Ways to Improve Immunity : Although there is no known reliable medicine for few diseases like Cancer, AIDS, COVID-19 etc but doctors across the world are agreeing to one fact that strengthening the immunity is the best thing one can do. Below are the ways to improve immunity through alternatives methods other than modern medicine.

  1. Homeopathy :  Let’s have a look at some of  Homeopathic medicines to improve overall health and Immunity and fight conditions specially with Corona viruses : 

    1. Carbo Veg 200/1M – It can directly work on overall Immune and so can help in any disease, even a critical patient’s condition can be boosted (depending on disease) by its hydro-periodical consumption. To start with in general condition, one can have 2 drop liquid of Carbo-veg every alternate day 1st thing in morning, but shouldn’t be used for more than 3 weeks at stretch unless there is serious problem.
    2. Gelsemium: This medication is extracted from the vine Gelsemium sempervirens, and is known as a very effective remedy when you have flu like symptoms with the cold such as, exhaustion, body ache and fever.
    3. Arsenicum album: A very well known remedy for food poisoning as well as other digestive disorders, Arsenicum album can be very effective in treating a wide variety of stomach related illnesses caused by the reaction to foreign microbes.
    4. Oscillococcinum: This medication contains trace amounts of duck liver and heart and is known to be a good immune booster. Effective in the cases of cold and flu like symptoms, oscillococcinum can effectively treat fever with flu and other symptoms, although it may take a bit of time for it start acting. It is thus best to consult with your homeopathic doctor before starting a course.
    5. Allium cepa: If you have flu like symptoms with teary eyes and nasal congestion, Allium cepa is a very good remedy. You have to take a few doses before the symptoms start subsiding. One dose contains three to five pellets and you might have to take about two to three doses daily for a couple of days for the symptoms to subside.
    6. Combination medications: There are multiple medical combinations, which can help boost your immunity as well. Some of these combinations are:
      • Calcarea Carbonica 30-1 dose, Phosphorus – 1 dose, Lycopodium 30-1 dose: This combination is very effective in treating sensitive colds where fever may or may not exist but causes extreme nasal blockages.
      • Lycopodium 30, Sabadilla 30: This combination is very effective when the cold and nasal blockages are due to pollen sensitivity and occur during the pollinating season. This can be used in a regular dosage to not only stop the symptoms but to also stop the allergy from happening in the first place.
  2. Ayurvedic:  There are a number of herbs in the Ayurvedic tradition that can support the immune system. These herbs often have an affinity for specific tissues and systems in the body, and, each in their own way, help to encourage proper immune function and optimal health.

    Explore including in your diet, Ayurvedic rejuvenative herbs taken as teas or tonics such as: ashwaghanda, turmeric, triphala, amla (Indian Gooseberry), tulsi (holy basil), chyavanprash (an Ayurvedic formulation of rejuvenating herbs plus honey and ghee).

    1) Chyavanprash – A traditional Ayurvedic herbal jam made in a base of amalaki fruit, chyavanprash is a balancing formula that kindles agni, helps buffer the body against stress, and bolsters the immune system.

    2) Sitopaladi – supports the proper functioning of the lungs and sinuses, encourages healthy expectoration, kindles the digestive fire, and helps to burn excess kapha. This formula also helps to eliminate excess vata, pitta, and kapha from the head and chest, thereby promoting clear, healthy respiration.

    3) Giloy/Guduchi – In Ayurvedic medicine, Guduchi (Giloy) is considered to be one of the three Amrit plants (nectar of Gods). Scientific studies also evaluate and confirm the insight beneficial properties of this medicinal herb like Immunomodulatory, Hepatoprotective, Cardioprotective, Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, Analgesic effect, confirms the ayurvedic view of Guduchi as a Rasayana (rejuvenator) and an immunity booster.

    4) Talisadi – contains all of the ingredients in sitopaladi, with the addition of talisa, black pepper, and ginger—making it a similar formula, though more heating. Talisadi also has a particular affinity for the lungs. Take ¼–½ teaspoon of either of these formulas with warm water (or in honey) once or twice daily, or as directed by your health practitioner.

    5) Aswagandha – it modulates and boosts the immune system. It increases the number of pathogen-fighting agents and reverses the ill effects of anticancer drugs on the immune system.

    6) Turmeric – Known to bolster the immune system, helps purify the blood, strengthens digestion, and eliminates natural toxins from the digestive tract.

    7) Ginger- Well known for its ability stimulate and support the immune system, ginger kindles the digestive fire, burns ama, promotes healthy expectoration, cleanses the blood and lymph, encourages healthy circulation and sweating, and removes excess kapha from the lungs. 

    8) Tulsi – This plant is so highly revered in India that it is often kept in and around the home for its deeply purifying and beneficial properties. It removes excess kapha from the lungs and upper respiratory tract while promoting healthy circulation, and strong digestion. It is useful in maintaining a normal body temperature and it naturally bolsters the immune system.

  3. PRANAYAMA : Breathing exercises are said to be helpful in increasing immunity and building a stronger immune system. It helps absorb more oxygen, better blood circulation and remove toxins from all areas of body .
    1. Anuloma Viloma is a variant of Nadi Shodhana kriya (Alternate-Nostril Breathing) and can be done seated or lying down. To start, empty all the air from your lungs. Using the thumb of your dominant hand, block your right nostril and inhale through your left nostril only. Be sure to inhale into your belly, not your chest. Once you are full of breath, seal your left nostril with the ring finger of the same hand, keeping your right nostril closed, and hold the breath for a moment. Then release your thumb and exhale through your right nostril only. Be sure to exhale all the breath out of the right side and pause before inhaling again through the same side. Seal both nostrils once you’ve inhaled on the right side and exhaled through the left side. A complete cycle of breath includes an inhalation and exhalation through both nostrils. For a newbie, do a 4-count inhale, holding your breath for 4-8 counts, then exhale for 4-counts. Breath retention stokes the tejas means “inner radiance,“ by charging the nervous system with self-generated heat, warming the body, and clearing the chattering of the mind (and possibly the teeth!). One of the keys to practicing Anuloma Viloma is to keep the breath retention short, to avoid strain. The breath should be held for a few counts, four to 10 heartbeats at the most.

    2. Kapalabhati or Skull-Polishing breath, consists of short, sharp exhalations and passive inhalations while pumping the belly. The belly-pumping action is great for stimulating the digestive fire, which can get sluggish during the cold, dark days of winter. Though Kapalabhati can be quite vigorous and active, try practicing it gently and mindfully, allowing the exhales to be soft puffs of air; one to two rounds of 30 pumps should do the trick.  Benefit -It increases lung capacity, energizes the mind, develops stamina and help cleaning the body specially the digestive organs.  X– It shouldn’t be practiced by people with – tumors in abdominal area, with heart disease, high BP, vertigo, epilepsy, stroke, hernia, gastric, ulcer or those gone through surgery recently. Also not advisable for – pregnant, or have glaucoma.

    3. Ujjayi also known as Victorious or Ocean-Sounding breath, commonly used in hatha and vinyasa yoga. It is intended to warm the body from the inside out and keep the mind focused on the present moment. It is also sometimes called the “oceanic breath” because, if you listen closely, each cycle sounds like the waves coming in and out at the shore. Ujjayi is a steady inhale and exhale through the nose, with a mild constriction at the back of the throat during the exhale. The constriction creates an “ocean sound” that is meant to heat the body and focus the mind. I recommend Ujjayi to accompany warming yoga practices such as Sun Salutations, standing and balancing postures, and grounded yin poses.

    4. Bhastrika Pranayam is focused on the speed of breathing process. Here breath will be shallow and the movement of your chest and abdomen will be quick. Take a shallow inhalation, followed by a quick exhalation. Keep doing this several times as quick as you can. Repeat this during 30 seconds. This is one round.  Keep in mind that focus is on breathing movements being short and superficial, not supposed to blow big amounts of air. Benefit – it clears Kapha from the head and chest, which is beneficial in cases of asthma, bronchitis and other chronic respiratory disorders. In a general way it can be said that, since Pranayamas diminish the hyperactivity at a psychological level, they increase the broncho-dilatation and pulmonary reactivity and hence supposed to be effective on diseases like SARS/COVID-19.  X – should not be practiced in a hot environment, it may raise too much the thermostat of your body.  not advised for people with high blood pressure, heart diseases, any kind of hernia, gastric ulcer, people who has suffered stroke, epilepsy, retinal problems, glaucoma or vertigo. 

    5. Surya Bheda PranayamaSurya represents the energy from the sun, the heat, the extroversion. Surya Bedha Pranayama helps to stimulate and manifest that energy within us. 

      Put your hands resting on your knees. Keep head, neck and trunk aligned, straight to the ceiling. Adopt Nasagra Mudra, by extending the thumb, ring and little fingers of right hand. About the position of the index and middle fingers there are 2 variations: in the first one you bend the index and middle fingers towards your palm. In the second one, you extend your index and middle fingers, at the time that you keep them separated from the rest of the fingers. You can adopt any of these 2 variations, the one that suits better for you.  Continue by closing the left nostril with the ring and little fingers. Breath in, slowly and deeply through the right nostril. Exhale slowly through the left nostril, closing the right nostril with your thumb and opening the left nostril. During the following inhalation, close your left nostril again with the ring and little fingers and open the right nostril, breathing in through your right nostril. Exhale again closing your right nostril with your thumb. These are two rounds. For beginners in this practice, 10 rounds are enough. When it becomes comfortable, the practice can be increased up to 5 min (not more than that to avoid imbalances in the breathing cycle).

      Benefit – It creates heat in the body and helpful to balance Vata (air) & Kapha (cold) doshas (issues).

      X – Surya Bheda should not be practiced for people with heart diseases, high blood pressure, epilepsy, hyperthyroid, peptic ulcer, acidity or anxiety.  Shouldn’t practice after eating.

  4. Yoga : Yoga has been a unique asset from ancient times, Its not new to hear stories of yogis achieving amazing feats including 100+yrs of healthy life. Its a gift to the modern world. Lets look at few Yoga exercises that would not only can keep us warm from inside but also increase immunity to next level. Though there are many yoga asanas which help in improving overall health and improve immunity, but we’ll look at some best important ones here. 

    1. Jal Neti  is an ancient technique, one of the six-purification procedures or ‘Shatkarmas’ mentioned in Hatha Yoga.  It cleanses nasal, alleviates upper respiratory complaints like sore throat.

      Require – Neti Pot, Salt (1/2 tsp Himalayan or sea salt), lukewarm water.

      Process– A Neti pot is usually small and has a long spout on one side, which is small enough to be inserted gently into one of the nostrils to flow salted lukewarm water in and out through other nostril.

      Germs and bacteria hang out in your nose and throat 24 hours before digging into your blood stream and affecting your immunity. Jal-Neti can not only cleam and throw them out of system but also destroy by warm salted water.

    2. Shalabasana (Locust Pose) :  Its final position is like a locust or  grasshopper.

      Contraindication: People with Hernia, hyper tension, heart ailments, pregnancy and peptic ulcers shouldn’t do this. 

      Benefit:  It Strengthens the lower back, pelvic organs, legs, hip joints and arms. Tones the sciatic nerves, enhance blood circulation to upper body part and spine. Also supports kidney, liver, and organs at the lower part of body. It can alleviate back ache during menses. 

      Process: Lie flat on the stomach (prone position), with hands & legs stretched and chin resting on the ground. Inhale and lift your legs and arms up together, lift head up enough to raise chest above the ground as much as possible. Hold the position for 10-15 seconds and release. Repeat 3 times with pause in between, later you can also do it with alternate legs.

    3. Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose) :  Its final position is like a bridge. 

      Contraindication: Bridge pose isn’t advised if you are suffering from neck, spine or back injuries.  Setu or bridge pose

      Benefit:  It stretches spine, opens lungs and heart, improves blood circulation, increase energy in the body and help in sinusitis, high blood pressure as well as asthma. 

      Process– Lie on your back, arms on the sides of body with palm facing down, fold knees and keep legs below knee at 900 with ground. Now with Inhale, slowly lift your lower back, middle back and upper back off the floor, gently roll in the shoulders and try to keep elevated thighs parallel to the ground. Breath easily and try to keep the posture for 1-2 min. Repeat 3 times with pause in between.

    4. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) :  Its final position is like the snake (cobra) with its head up. 

      Contraindication: Cobra pose isn’t advised in cases of – back and spine injury, neck problems, stomach related issues, pregnancy and severe asthma condition to name few.


      Cobra pose

      Benefit:  It brings mobility to the spine, open lungs, increases blood circulation, strengthens strengthens upper body and help relieve back pain. 

      Process– Lie on the stomach to the ground, keep hands close and at shoulder distance,. Now press hands on ground and raise chest till hands are straight, slowly take the head behind. fold knees and keep legs below knee at 900 with ground. Now with Inhale, slowly lift your lower back, middle back and upper back off the floor, gently roll in the shoulders and try to keep elevated thighs parallel to the ground. Breath easily and try to keep the posture for 1-2 min. Repeat 3 times with pause in between.

    5. Dhanurasana (Bow Pose) :  Dhanush in Hindi or Dhanur in Sanskrit refers to “Bow in English. Its final position is like a bow, hence the name. 

      Contraindication: Bow pose isn’t advised in conditions of – high or low blood pressure, migraine, Pregnancy, Hernia, Insomnia and any injury to back or neck. 

      Benefit:  It stretches the front part of body, thigh and groins, abdomen and chest as well as throat areas.  For females, it tones their organs and help in menstrual disorders. Also corrects the alignment of spine. 

      Bow pose

      Process– Lie on the stomach to the ground, keep hands besides body and legs at hip width distance. Now fold your knees to bring them towards hip and reach you hands to hold ankles. Inhale, and lift your chest and legs off the ground, pull your legs back. Breath easily and try to hold the posture for 15-20 secs. Repeat 3 times with pause in between.

      Please write to us for more details or what you think on comments below or send specific queries/suggestions on –, or, or reach us through the online form.  Wish all of you a great health and prosperity. 

      Thanks. Love & Bless.

      Dr Sant

5 thoughts on “Improve Immunity – Fight Covid-19 virus & other diseases, stay safe”

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    1. Hi Jacquie,
      thanks for your nice words.
      Sure I would try to write more in my free time, meanwhile you are welcome to reach to me if you need any particular help.
      All the best for your journey.

      Bless & Love
      Dr Sant

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