Our life was gifted to us with the circumstances as per our “Karmas”, and what we get in our life is connected to our “Pending Karmas“. Hence a pending karma analysis is important to understand whats planned for our life, and once we know then we can prepare and look to improve it. As Lord Krishna said in Geeta, the soul keeps coming back to the earth in the form of new births. And they need to take births until their is no karma left from the previous births, it refers to either some karma not done in previous births or any wrong karma was done. These pending karmas keep impacting our future life or we can say we remain under the curse of these pending karmas for future life.
If you’re not sure about the Karmas, please find the link where I have spoken about the the meaning and different types of Karmas – https://shikti.com/spiritual/karma-meaning-different-types/
The pending karmas from the previous lives are the Karmic debts. If we do not ratify these karmic debts then it makes us pay.
The system of Vedic Astrology guides us not only to understand the pending karmas in current life at the time of birth, through the horoscope chart of individuals, but also guide us in absolving the previous karmas or deeds. The concept of pending karma is an important part of many spiritual and religious traditions, including Hinduism, Christian, Buddhism etc.
Here, we will understand and analyse the pending Karma or Deeds based on the soul’s purpose or the past lives.
Pending Karmas can be of 2 types –
a) Good pending karmas – they are like fixed deposits in bank which you have earned with your hard and good work. This can be utilized for various purpose when we bless, curse or ask by pray and wish.
b) Bad pending karmas – Here onwards when we say pending karma we would be referring to the bad pending karmas. They are like loans taken from the bank, they will come for recover at appropriate times and you have to pay.
So Pending karma is the result of past actions that have not yet been resolved. Here are few interesting facts that one should know about pending karmas :
- The pending karma is the earned but unresolved karmas coming from the past lives. It can influence our current or future lives.
- Astrological reading can help us to understand our pending karma and how it may impact our lives.
- There are many different ways to resolve pending karma, specially working with a spiritual guide or Astrology guide who can help. Astrologer guide can help you calm planets and minimize the bad effects while maximize the good effects coming from planets due to karmas, while a good spiritual teacher can chaneg the entire life and karmas calculation.
- Karma can manifest in a variety of ways, such as through health issues, relationship issues, or financial problems.
How to check Pending Karma or Deeds in Horoscope :
- Saturn is examined for all sort of Karmas from past life.
- Rahu shows all sorts of unfulfilled desires form the past life.
- Ketu denotes the areas which is satisfied in our past life.
- Rahu/Ketu dispense the dynamic karmas in their Dashas.
- Check Rahu’s presence in your Lagna/D1 chart – the sign, house and the house lord of the house Rahu is in.
- The despositor or zodiac sign Lord of Rahu is very much important and we called as a Karmic distribution control planet. We can precisely analyse our soul purpose by checking the placement of Rahu in the birth chart. Also, this planet will show and help us to analyse, what is the purpose of your life at your current birth and what things you will experience more in this life.
So overall we should check and analyse four parameters in the birth chart:
a) In which house – Rahu is present?
b) In which zodiac sign – Rahu is present?
c) The house of Rahu’s Despositor or house lord.
d) The sign of Rahu’s Despositor or house lord.
Let’s take an example for Cancer Ascendant: Suppose Rahu is present in the 3rd house in the Virgo sign. So we got here – Rahu is in 3rd house, in Virgo sign, and the Dispositor is Mercury. Suppose Mercury has moved into your 6th house in the Sagittarius zodiac sign and now we will consider both Mercury and Sagittarius zodiac sign.
I would be happy to answer any question or further help.
You can reach us with suggestion or any question at – info@shikti.com or through Online form., you can directly reach me on – (91) 6363375125.
Be Blessed….
An interesting discussion is definitely worth comment. I do believe that you should publish more about this subject, it may not be a taboo matter but typically people dont discuss these subjects. To the next! Many thanks!!