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Spiritual Awakening – the Sure Signs

As spirits, we are eternal in nature. Human is the only one (out of 8.4 million species) whose nature is Spiritual too. However, with a materialistic society, surrounding and our everyday challenges make most of us forget our spiritual nature, and bring us further from human and closure to animals.
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A spiritual awakening is an ongoing process whereby a person becomes aware of his/her existence, their connection to the infinite, and becomes mindful of nature. Spiritual awakening brings about an altered state of perception & reality. We are often raised believing that we are disconnected from one another, and that this life is our only existence, but an enlightened person may feel as if reality itself has changed, has bigger picture with deeper sense and become more uplifting and less chaotic. While for some it is life’s best moments and they’re ready to leave all luxury to enjoy them, for some it could be quite unpleasant at first (it depends on how negatively they’ve been living and hence need a mentor for continuous guidance), and for some whose destiny is in spirituality but they’re not into it…they often get a wake up call in the form of some heart-breaking incidents or tragedies or loosing life’s purpose or their love and near-death experience. Helplessness causes them to examine the world in a different light. They turn to a higher power, understanding the vastness of the spiritual universe, and become enlightened. Some people may feel temporarily overwhelmed, disoriented, defenseless, guilty, depressed, anxious, or frightened etc. mainly because a deep cleansing is happening and also because their eyes are open to a world that seems more disastrous than even and they now have an increased ability to feel emotions & pains around them. All these new senses also make weak hearts to run away from 1st stage itself. A Kundalini energy rise can cause extra heat, spasm & shaking. A chakra opening during spiritual awakening can bring out suppressed feelings to throw them out and make few feelings stronger, I know few people who felt extreme emotions & attraction to physical world (opposite gender and prosperity) and get carried away with it, leaving their journey unfulfilled; its only very late after testing the water they realize the mistake and come back only to start again from the scratch. Hence, at any level I highly recommend continuous guidance of a guru or mentor who himself has enough experience apart form the knowledge and who provide customized methods understanding your individuality rather than running a business with masses- Very Imp.

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We each experience our spiritual awakenings differently as we each have different sensitivities, some signs might be common while some might be unique. Those who experience a spiritual awakening will experience most of the following signs and symptoms, but some of these signs can also exist due to another reason and this is where they should analyze and take help of their mentor or Guru.


1. Increased interest in Metaphysical & Paranormal subjects- Often those very interested in metaphysical subjects and phenomenon like Crystals, Tarot cards, Reiki, psychics and mediums. This interest can help the individual understand his or her spiritual awakening, as traditional subjects and education typically fail to address questions of a spiritual nature.
2. Religious Interest- For some, traditional religion attracts more than metaphysics, because as one becomes more spiritually awake, he or she often confronts new feelings & questions and seeks to understand this new-found awareness, where religion may provide the answers to the questions the individual has.
3. Unusual sensations in Crown- Its common to have tingling, prickly, crawling sensations along the scalp and/or down the spine. A sense of energy vibrating on top of the head as if energy is erupting from the head in a shower and the sensation of energy pouring in through the crown(sprinkles). This may also be experienced as pressure on the crown, as if someone is pushing his/her finger into the center of your head.
4. Ringing in the ears- Some experience a ringing in the ears which often happens when we are in the process of ascension. Just as a dog can hear higher pitched sounds, a ringing in the ears indicates that you too are becoming more sensitive to higher frequencies.
5. Intuition & Psychic- With increased awareness and connection to higher energies, we experience normally higher intuition & better psychic levels, clearer & more inner voices. As we trust our intuition more often, it grows stronger. We know things without having to intellectually figure them out. Often called intuitive awareness, we have ‘eureka’ moments or just a flash insight that can explain some of the most complex theories or phenomenon in the world. Some of the most brilliant minds of our time just knew, Adepts and sages had given in numerous information from higher states of consciousness after meditating which could be only verified after hundreds or even thousands of years by science. This is a time listening to our hearts more than our heads. Our dreams are becoming precognitive and eventually our conscious thoughts will be as well.
6. Feeling chilly, shiver or goosebumps not due to illness- Chills and shivers are a sign that you are very connected to source energy and your goosebumps show your increased sensitivity.
7. More Empathy & compassion- When an individual understands that they are infinite and eternal beings, they are able to take a grander perspective becoming more humble and connected.
8. Taking things less seriously- Due to seeing things in a larger perspective, the problems and issues that are happening in the moment start being seen as what they really are- temporary part of larger process and sometimes for a better cause.
9. Number patterns- Angels communicates to us often in number patterns. You can often see numbers in particular repeating patterns, like 11-11 in clocks, phone numbers or license plates. While others see it as normal and don’t notice, it become more significant and stick to eyes for those experiencing spirituality.
10. More interest in creative activities that foster a mind-body-spirit synchronization- Like Yoga, Meditation, Dance, drawing or painting or even Martial arts.
11. Sudden mood swings on persistence- while spirituality provides lot of calmness & patience, but during the process of awakening since you become more sensitive to negative energies around with people or environment, it can cause to sudden extreme anger or frustration specially when they persists. Enjoy the emotional roller-coaster. There is often a pressure or sense of emotions congested in the heart chakra (the middle of the chest), not to be confused with the heart which is located to the left of the the chest little lower.
12. Feeling of change- As you look at things from a fresh perspective & increased sensitivity, you see things more neutrally or honestly and see deep. So often you see yourself, your relations and the world around with a fresh view. It makes you feel a lot has changed.
13. Crowd- A crowd or noisy gathering like public places is sometimes overwhelming. Spiritual awakening is more of a journey inward, so often people loose interest in extrovert activities, feel uncomfortable with crowded environments such as restaurants, clubs, festivals, and so on. Since our walls between self and other are dissolving, we haven’t really learned to distinguish between someone else’s energy and our own. If the general mood of the crowd is herd-like or negative, we can feel this acutely, and may feel like retreating into our own private space. We long for more quite and alone quality time to recharge our system.Unfiltered Social influence can dampen our own innate wisdom.
14. Need for Stillness- Zoning out long periods of time quite often with an overpowering need to sit and do nothing. This often occurs as a result of our consciousness spending increasing amounts of time in the fourth and fifth dimensions.
15. Changes in Energy levels- The need to rest and sleep for much longer than usual or sudden insomnia in normally sound sleepers.
16. New Body cycle- Feeling sleepy before its too late in the night and then waking in the middle of the night at or early morning and feeling lot of energy for the creativity, sometimes even waking up multiple times in the night but not feeling very tired. This happens due to our consciousness adapting to new cycles of activity as per the the Nature.
17. Strange electrical energy- You find them sometimes coursing through the body or body parts like legs or arms- This is caused by the raised frequencies from the Galactic center flooding the planet. These energies assist in the process of rewiring the physical and Light-Body in order to carry higher vibrating energies.
18. Food Cravings- Sudden cravings for foods and beverages you have not wanted or eaten for years or since childhood, can happen. This helps us to release memories of stored trauma, or connects us to a pleasant memory which creates a momentary shift in our consciousness to enable a release to take place. Some find not getting as hungrier as earlier, some find odd food choices. You can also feel a sudden dehydration or craving for spicy food, which happens due to high energy flow.
19. Amplification of senses- Many new students of Reiki has reportedly experienced new things, due to less knowledge they held Reiki or Meditation (or whatever they’re following) and run back to their previous world, stop all practice they were doing. One might feel changes (mostly increase) in Sight/vision, Hearing, Smell, Touch or Taste- it happens due to increased sensitivity. Enjoy the new world, believe they’re not to harm but still if you’ve problem then tts time to surrender and seek advice like you had been doing all your life during study, not run away.
20. Looking Younger- Wow…many eyes will be wider, yes you see your skin more shining & fresh giving you overall a fresh young look. You are actually lighter as you clear emotional issues, release limiting beliefs and heavy baggage from the past. Your energy vibrates at higher frequency, you love yourself and life more. You begin to resemble the perfect you that you really are.
21. Dreams outlook- Being connected to the higher self who guide us, you may see mystical dreams carrying messages for you. Sometimes the dreams are so real or sometimes its about people or things you suppressed inside but was very close once, it can wake you up feeling odd.
22. Life changing events- Death, divorce, change in job status, loss of home, illness, and/or other catastrophes — sometimes several at once! Forces that cause you to slow down, simplify, change, re-examine who you are and what your life means to you. Forces that you cannot ignore. Forces that cause you release your attachments. Forces that awaken your sense of love and compassion for all.
23. People- People under spiritual journey are under the guidance of our higher self or energies, hence you’ll be surprised to see how often you get quality people…those who’re unique, teachers, friends, a great mentor and so easily.
24. Desire for Freedom- Freedom is very close to spirituality. You might feel a compelling need to break free from perceptions, customs or patterns that you learned from elders just as tradition but no logic. You want to find your true self and your purpose, unclutter yourself from things and people that no longer serve right purpose, want to be creative or even feel yourself drawn to the arts and nature.
25. Superficial Entertainment no more excites- Watching television or most of main stream media, becomes more distasteful to us. Mostly the mindset creating most of the programming on television and in cinema is abhorrent. It commodifies people and promotes violence, cashes on others problem and do anything to sell their product and earn more; it reduces our intelligence and numbs our natural empathetic response to someone’s issues. But they instead find more interest in natural entertainments like- Travel, Music(classical, meaningful & soft), dance etc.
26. People trust you more- The change in Aura is felt unconsciously. People can sense our loving hearts & compassion, our listening capacity & patience is improved, so even complete strangers meeting 1st time will often tell their life stories or approach us with their problems. While no one wants to be a dumping ground for everyone’s issues, Spiritual awaken people don’t get satisfaction in living just for themselves but more for others.
27. Healing- There is a natural draw towards holistic healing, and develop somewhat healing or at least the problem finding capability. We naturally gravitate toward healing fields, acupuncture, reiki, Qi-Gong, yoga, massage, midwifery, etc. are fields we often find ourselves in. We know that the collective needs to be healed, and so we try our best to offer healing in whatever form we are most drawn to. We also turn away from the ‘traditional’ forms of healing ourselves. Preferring natural foods, herbs, and holistic medicine as ways to cure every ailment.
28. Acceptance- We start accepting things as they’re and not frustrate much, whether its about our shortcoming or behavior of relatives(whether its why my partner behave so or why teenage kid is responding that way). We thrive on challenging only ourselves, and not through competition or judging at the expense of another, especially with no need to judge those who are exactly where they need to be. We become less reactive and more drawn to solutions, as you can see things from a larger perspective, better intelligence, have better guide and have more patience to work.
29. False emotions- We no longer cry for superficial and false worldly emotions, we feel so secure and loved in the arm of nature. It’s always there for us without conditions as true love. We don’t wander, question and frustrate ourselves but we know it is everywhere in everyone & everything.
30. Positive mind- We don’t live in fear, not get caught by greed or empowered by anger & lust; only thing we obsessed is – truth & honesty. We start forgiveness and hence jealousy & hatred vanishes slowly.
31. Throat- Throat chakra is an important spiritual and emotional center as it relates to listening and speaking truth. During spiritual awakening your throat can give you really bad experience like – sore throat, loss of voice, swollen lymph nodes, suddenly feeling more talkative with strangers, understand between words, interest in new music, blunt truth that surprise others, excess mucous production, change in thyroid functioning. If your physical symptoms matches with the mental & emotional aspects here, it might be opening of a throat chakra.
32. Feeling of Invisible- Oh..I heard many people scared of something invisible after practicing Reiki or meditation, and I feel if only they could know how closer they were before quitting. Some people reported feeling something following them or having the sensation of being touched or talked to. These could be due to vibrations caused by energetic changes after emotional clearing has taken place and/or change in sensitivity to surroundings.
33. Feeling closer to other species- People on spiritual journey starts seeing all living beings (animal, birds, plants) as a part of one nature that they belong to, hence their compassion, love and understanding with these beings are increased. Even animals feel comfort in their presence, plants respond to your love and attention more than ever. Some may even carry messages for as they feel more close to us.
34. Left Brain fogginess- Our right brain develops- psychic abilities, intuitions, feeling, vision, and our expressiveness. But in order for this side of the brain to develop more fully, the left brain must shut down a little bit. Normally the left-side takes care of order, organization, structure, linear sequencing, analysis, evaluation, precision, focus, problem-solving, and mathematics dominate our often less-valued right brain. What results are memory lapses, placing words in the wrong sequence, inability or no desire to read for very long, inability to focus; forgetting what you are just about to say; impatience with linear forms of communication (audio or written formats); a feeling of spaciousness, being scattered; losing interesting research or complex information; feeling bombarded with words and talk and information; and a reluctance to write. Sometimes you feel dull and have no interest in analysis, lively intellectual discussion, or investigation. On the other hand, you might find yourself drawn to the sensate: videos, magazines with photos, beautiful artwork, movies, music, sculpting, painting, being with people, dancing, gardening, walking, and other kinesthetic forms of expression. You may search for spiritual content, even science fiction.
35. Dizziness & Accidents- When you don’t ground enough to balance the new energy with yourself, you might feel out of balance. It might be a time to stop, reflect, reassess and heal if required. For example, you might have just cleared a big emotional issue and your one part is in a much lighter state. Such could be dangerous specially when driving or doing anything dangerous, these adjusting might suddenly make you feel sleepy or be quite to adjust energies. I learn it as a lesson following a big accident.
36. Heart palpitations- A racing heart usually accompanies a heart opening. It only lasts for a few moments and means that the heart is re-balancing itself after an emotional release. Its smooth though and not so painful but it can scare many. You can consult your doctor always to avoid condition, as in few cases it might just be a medical condition. But if you don’t find any problem, smile, you know what i mean.
37. Faster Hair & Nail growth- You would feel your hair & nail growing faster and becoming shiner as more protein is being used in the body.
38. Memories back- Body memories, suppressed memories, images of past lives and/or parallel lives. We are healing and integrating all our “selves”, so expect to have some of these experiences.
39. Clear awareness of negative habit & people- We become more aware of things as we start living in the moment. We can find our old habits as annoying, not wanting to be with close friends but not sure why, we feel ready for any change or challenge and never want to go back. We still feel happier, sense fulfillment from getting closer to your truth, and deep joy to feel this new momentum.
40. Experiencing Oneness- This rare symptom must be felt to be understood, but it is a moment of total clarity, whereby an individual feels wholly connected to everything in the universe. Deep meditation can help facilitate this knowing feeling.

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This symptoms can be directly or indirectly related to our chakras, which I’ll cover sometime later. I hope this short & crisp guide would be useful for you to get an understanding of Spiritual awakening and its signs, you would then be better prepared and lot of answers might be found which you were wondering earlier. I hope to help someone somewhere help armed with knowledge and not leave this blessed path with negative thoughts. If you experience any of above – continue doing Meditation or healing practice like Reiki , and/or seek advice from your mentor. If you need any further help, I would be glad to help.

You can reach out to us using Contact-form or mail at – info@shikti.com or   drsantkj@gmail.com  or through “Contact Us” form..

Thanks for being with us…your experience and thoughts will not only help us make this place better for all enthusiasts but also motivate us to keep writing.

Light & Blessed – Dr Sant

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