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Sexual Energy Transmutation and Transformation

Physics says “energy can neither be born, not destroyed. It can only be transformed” , and the same is told in Spiritual world. Soul is a form of energy which is the only difference between alive and dead body. This body also has energy centers called “chakras” to control the distribution of energy. Energies we get from various methods like Air, Food, Water etc and they keep changing forms which is utilized again for various tasks by our body. Then there are two Energy Power houses, which consume most of it – the Mind and the Sexual system; and there are 2 areas which contribute a lot to release of energy – Emotions and System (also called Sexual Energy). One can either waste these 2 energies, Emotion and Sexual out of which again Sexual energy is bigger, or use them to uplift their level and grow Spiritually to become more complete.

In Hinduism, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiv represents Creation, Preservation, and Destruction respectively where Shiv is the most important God in Hinduism. Shiva is a destroyer, not only the destroyer of the establishment when the judgment day comes but also the destroyer of misery and hurdles in life, the destroyer of nescience (lack of knowledge), the destroyer of perceptions and limitations. Hence the path shown by Shiv to its devotees out of affection is the path that knows no bound, its the best path which isn’t for everyone, e:g. Tantra, Shabar Mantra. Shiv has even given the only mantra to even destroy the death, Mahamrityunjay Mantra. You must be wondering how this is being related to our topic. Now Shaivism (follower of Shiv) says that entire universe is made of two fundamental opposed forces masculine and feminine energy. The same energy which constitute the universe when bound together is responsible also in producing electricity as easiest but fundamental example, same is the reason of spiritual growth as well as the very fundamental reason for strong feeling during union of male & female with a very strong craving even though one has never felt it.

Human soul always urges for Freedom, for extreme feel that comes in total freedom, but that comes when u leave ground taking risk and love gives us that ability to go off ground. Sex in positive way is also a small death that makes you free, free from inhibitions, free from pretentions, free from the limitation of just being yourself incomplete. This joy that you feel in sex is similar which spiritual people feel during enlightenment, during deep meditation when they reach a level of union with the universe, then only difference is while the spiritual process is long lasting and is a continuous process of evolution further being in control, the sexual experience is too short with no evolution but loosing out. Thats the reason you feel huge urge for sex even though you have never felt it, because of 2 reasons – 1st your soul when separated from the union of Nature to take birth it has a memory of that union and it craves for that feeling again which was in union, 2nd it provides that freedom and sense of individual empowerment. In 1st case the missing union was of very high quality, while the sex is just temporary with few fraction of seconds of that union feeling people call as orgasm, and is of much lower quality (due to frustration that follows and the quality of merge) so it feels closer to that but would never be satisfying so people keep wandering, while the same union feel we get from spirituality like deep meditation then it feels more complete and is ever lasting so is satisfying. For most, sexual experiences are their initial glimpse of spirituality, that sense of serenity one derives from the orgasm is simply a trailer of what spiritual experiences are like.

If we talk of other well researched and spiritually grown cultures also, we find some references. All Religions are also aware of the benefit and importance of the Sexual energy but they are against it, not because they dont know or don’t want you to use it but because religion is made for mass, rules are made for majority and utilization of sexual energy requires lot of understanding and work which most wouldn’t be able to follow, its very to fall into the sexual thoughts and get wasted in the process as soon as the energy awakens. So most of religions made for large mass and ambition for huge followers made it as taboo, so it you cannot use it, at least you would be away from it and dont waste your energy in lust. In Kabbalic tradition, who had done good research work in numerology and other spiritual science, sex was seen as a spiritual event, representing the merging of the male and female elements of God within the cosmos. Then, Aboriginal Australians and Persians were known to practice their own versions of tantra. Early Christianity and Islam also did contain sexual symbolism.

Tantra considers Sex experience as a highest form of Meditation. It considers the universe is the union of Shiv and Shakti, here if take reference of our body then Shiv is the energy on Ajna chakra and Shakti is the energy on Root chakra, we grow more as the energy goes upward towards Shiv or Ajna chakra while Shakti or Root Chakra has the highest form of energy in body ‘Kundalini’ is stored. [Infact this website’s name SHIKTI is taken frm Shiv + Shakti].

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Now this sexual energy is deep and very strong, just like wild dogs. If one conquers this is very empowering but if left alone then it would attach you only and you wouldn’t just loose the use of such powerful energy but also your lot of energy will be wasted in fighting with it, then you are left with very few to grow and this wild dog will keep disturbing in between. Or you take other analogy of river full of water, if you control by dam it would provide electricity or it would destroy a city. But doing this is more tough than knowing how important it is. It needs lot of courage to face the wild dog, to work a lot to not only go deep but also to control the wild force, it also needs lot of honesty, open mind, discipline, hard work knowledge. due to this most of people looking to grow in spiritual world choose to not face this wild force, they either try to ignore it by trying to forget or suppress it so it doesn’t disturb them. What a waste! but still its not over and such a strong force would only disturb more as its suppress more and would bite very strongly in a small moment of weakness which gives rise to many scandals you might hear. Then one either waste lot of energy fighting with the strong sexual energy or they loose and get blown by it loosing their spiritual journey and all hard work done. Both are wrong methods, the right path is for brave ones always because only the best should deserve best and not all.

So what is the best path !! Taming this energy and use it for self growth is the right approach, keeping the wild dog as your pet is best as not only you stop fighting but this start helping you to. I agree, Its easier to say but very difficult to achieve, people spend years and don’t reach there because its not about hard work or fight but its about a very fine work of smallest of margins of error. And the god news is – Sexual Energy can be harnessed, and not only for Spiritual but development in any area, whether for mental or physical power or spiritual power or concentration.

Hope this does set some solid ground for understanding thought its still a very small space to clarify such a great and sacred concept, that is most not shared. This is just an excerpt of the book in process and should be out by 2021 end. But here I’m trying to give the basic concept and also some ways below to be able to achieve the transformation of the energy.

Benefits of Sexual Energy Transformation

Since we cannot destroy the energy but only transform, sexual energy cannot be destroyed and if suppress then it would only come back stronger later, so transformation is the only positive way. There are a number of personality who either spoke of transformation of sexual energy for them and held that a reason for their extraordinary growth, or we find some reference about it. For example – Abraham Lincoln, Napoleon Bonaparte, Mahatma Gandhi, George Washington, Mahatma Buddha etc. Even modern great sportsmen like Mohammad Ali and Mike Tyson spoke about not ejaculating for 6 weeks prior to an important fight, but not by suppressing but the practice hard and convert it to help his growth, so much that Mohammad Ali said that it made him unbeatable.

some important benefits of Sexual Energy Transformation would be as

  • Increase Awareness – its very helpful for success in material as well as in Spiritual world.
  • Increased Fighting Spirit – and you dont give up easily
  • High Energy – needless to say the addition of huge energy is a big boost.
  • Higher Focus – as the energy starts getting upward from sexual to spiritual, it starts bringing lots of benefits including confidence, better focus.
  • Better Mood – Sex starts with enjoy but ends with frustration, loosing out which may not be visible when in small quantity but surely would be visible when see in large quantity and specially for males.
  • Control on Sexual desires – A better control means less frustration, more enabled, and a more enhanced stamina.
  • Improved overall Physical Health – it improves vitality, metabolism, Immunity and hence overall health. A research has found that semen has over 200 different vitamins, minerals, proteins, and amino acids but also brings along lot of positivity or negativity as per the person doing coitus to other person.
  • A stronger and more radiant life force energy- which would be seen on the face, outer personality as well as inner peace.

How to Transform the Energy

This Transformation or Transmutation of Sexual Energy, can be compared to walking on the 2-sided sword. Successful walk depends on- knowledge, practice, artistic work, and courage. Hence a Spiritual Guru, preferably who understand the Shaivism or Tantra or at least the high level transformation of Sexual energy. Lets look at the 8steps to transform Sexual energy into Spiritual energy or for any other purpose.

1.Mindset :

The first step of such large and deep transformation is – Mindset. The right frame of mind and thoughts, which appears from the knowledge. Mind needs to be free from prejudices, it should understand the larger picture of life and purpose than only stuck in daily minor stuffs.

2.Acceptance :

It is Important to first accept before you try to work with it. So to transform the sexual energy it is important to first accept it, accept that we have it and it should be harnessed and brought out to then transform. A negative thought about it wouldn’t only deprive you from any chances of transforming but also it would self-harm. Keyword here is – Face the Truth, Stay Natural – nature will embrace you and bless.

3.Understand and Attune to Self :

Before we look to transform Sexual energy, you need to be able to recognize when it’s building up inside you, which is not hard to understand though. If you have any difficulty in this or above two steps, for example due to any trauma or shame or half religious beliefs then please visit a guide. That could be spiritual guru or psychologist as per the need. Understand the sign of body, understand own emotions, dont suppress but listen. Bring awareness to your body, mind, emotion, sexuality all of it.

4.Breathing :

Breathing is life. Whether you do Gym, or Yoga or Singing or fighting- you would definitely be taught the importance of proper breathing. Most of people don’t have proper breathing unless being trained. There are mainly 2 types of breathing I would recommend to work and focus. 1st – one that would wakeup and bring out the energy. 2nd is the control breathing during sexual act so the sexual energy can be controlled. In 1st case, some good Pranayam exercises or breathing techniques would be – Bhastrika (Bellows breathing), Deep Breathing with focus on Ajna chakra. For 2nd case, One must need to control own desires and enjoyment to have a growth. In this case we should control own breathing and not let it go very fast during the intercourse. While in sexual activity, the male should begin to do Kapalbhati Pranayama just as the excitement peaks as he approaches orgasm. Specifically, he should throw air out of mouth while pulling in the stomach muscle sharply with each exhalation.  As in Kapalbhati, allow the stomach to relax for the recoil inhalation to take place. This rapid puffing out of air through the mouth changes the blood chemistry and will retard ejaculation by easing the blood supply to the male sexual organ.

5.Love :

Love is the most important part. While worshipping god, its our love and devotion towards God that provides peace and other benefits. It is important to have a very strong relation, love, understanding and trust to create the positive mindset for uplifting the energy.

6.Yoga and Exercises :

There are few yoga exercises and stretching which help us not only open the areas around pelvic to let more blood come and lastly the energy will increase. E.g: Cat & Cow pose, Bound-angle pose, Pigeon pose. In between you can flex your PC muscles and do pelvic floor exercises to increase blood flow.

7.Define the Goals :

Do keep in mind, the purpose of sexual transmutation is to channel the sex arousal into any professional or creative endeavors. What is it that we are looking to accomplish? Write down your goals separately for difference purpose like health, career etc and keep them handy.

8.Use any Visualization exercise :

A crisp and clear visualization exercise will help you move your sexual energy towards the constructive work. .

Note : During arousal, excitement or even sex doing these activities would help a lot – flex pc muscles, keep breathing in control, practice stop-start.

We would be happy to answer any question or help further. You can reach at – info@shikti.com or drsantkj@gmail.com or through Online form., you can directly reach me on – (91) 8050720280.

Thank you for your time, Stay Blessed. – Dr Sant

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